Frequently Asked Questions

Check most frequently asked questions here, if you still need help then please contact us.


The first order discount for PodCrop is 10%.

PodCrop accepts major credit cards and PayPal.


Please contact PodCrop's customer service team for information on returning items.


Yes, PodCrop does ship internationally.

The estimated shipping time for PodCrop orders will depend on the shipping location.

You can track your PodCrop order by logging into your account or contacting customer service and using "Track123 Order Tracking Upsell"


PodCrop is a store that provides flexible collections, including religious, family, lovers, birthday, anniversary collections and more, to help people satisfy their emotional and material needs.

Yes, shopping at PodCrop is safe and secure.

Please check our policies section or contact customer service for information on the warranty for PodCrop

PodCrop takes the privacy of its customers seriously and has a privacy policy in place to protect their information